Pink Panters

Updated June 17, 2024

The Pink Panter club was named in honor of the first dog to wear a pink panter shirt, Chester. Chester was scheduled to be euthanized the day following his first meeting with Miss Marie (in 2008), because he had bit several children and attacked other dogs. Today he is a happy, well adjusted member of his family and lives with his children. To help Chester relax, he wore a T-shirt that had been misprinted for her “little’s girl’s” soccer team-the Pink Panthers. All the misprinted uniform shirts were donated to Canine Behavior Counseling for The Pink Panter club.

All members of The Pink Panter club would have been euthanized without the loving support of their current families and the help of Canine Behavior Counseling.

Chester , the original Pink Panter

Chester was a 14-month-old  English bulldog mix with severe anxiety. He had bitten two children within his household. He lunged at every dog he passed by and was unable to play with other dogs.  Although Chester still cannot handle dog parks, he has played at Miss Marie’s and attended several dog parties. He does not bark at, or try to bite anyone, in his household and can be around large groups of children.
(Most Improved dog of 2008

Newest Pink Panters


Maverick joined the CF Behavior/Seelmeyer family in June 2023. He was originally surrendered by a homeless family and taken into Denver Animal Shelter. Due to his fear, he was deemed unadoptable at 3 months old and subsequently surrendered to Taysia Blue Husky Rescue, and then adopted by Miss Marie and Glenn. In December 2023, Maverick became a certified therapy dog! and works as a “neutral” training and socialization helper.

Little Blue (AKA Boo)

Little Blue (formerly Koda) was purchased from a pet store at age 6-8 weeks. He was placed outside on a chain. When he got loose and dug out under the fence, he was picked up by animal control. The first time his family brought him home. The second time, they did not bother.

The now 12 week old puppy spent the next 4 weeks in an animal shelter in Missouri. Because of his young age, he was given the maximum amount of time to be adopted. Then a choice had to made between keeping him or having a kennel for other dogs who needed help. He was transferred to a shelter in Omaha Nebraska, where he spent another 5 weeks. His time there ran out. His was on death row for his second time. Taysia Blue husky rescue called Miss Marie, and she and Glenn drove to Omaha to save him. 48 hours away from death, he was on his way to his forever home with the Seelmeyer family and CF Behavior Counseling.


Fennic bit his dog walker in the face. As a result, he was facing euthanasia as a “”dangerous dog.” He and his mom met with Marie and her team in early April. Mom learned how to understand and best implement boundaries. Fennic learned how to meet and interact nicely with people and animals (including a “little” lesson with Moira).  He even learned to accept “kisses” from Miss Marie.  After three private sessions, Fennic came to Reactive Dog class and met lots of new doggy friends. He is eager to attend Canine Socialization Class and meet lots of new human friends next. Fennic still has some work to do, but he no longer facing euthanasia. He hopes to be around to a very old age and help others dogs through the alumni program.  

Spike and Diesel

Spike is a consummate escape artist and of course Diesel had to follow. During one of their self-directed roams of the neighborhood, Spike got into a fight with another dog, bit the hand of the human who tried to break up the fight, and then proceeded into another neighbor’s yard where both dogs are accused of mildly injuring another dog. Both ended up in doggy jail facing vicious dog charges and the death penalty. Their evaluations determined that both had dog aggression issues that could be resolved. They were finally released to return home (under very strict “parole” restrictions), just in time to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with their family! Spike and Diesel are currently receiving “home schooling” in basic obedience and dog-dog socialization. With the help of Ranger, Moira, Sneakers, MJ and Bones, the boys are learning to turn away from other dogs and let the humans handle inappropriate behavior. (The boys think these lessons are truly humiliating, but effective.) We are hoping in January to have their parole restrictions relaxed enough for the boys to come to class and practice their new life skills with other dogs.


King, pictured beside his “mom” Brittany, spent months is isolation, after biting a child in the ear. King’s story begins with  growing up with his four little (human) girls. All was well until one day nieces and nephews came to visit. A heated game of play fighting with plastic swords escalated into King being hit. King, doing what he had been trained to do, tried to walk away. This time his way was blocked by a nephew. When the little boy reached over King’s head, King snapped at the boy. The boy’s ear was caught in King’s mouth and was badly torn. King was confiscated by animal control and held in isolation — with no human contact — for months awaiting his sentence. Due to the hard work of his attorney, Juilet Piccone, and Miss Marie, King was finally released to medical boarding; and ultimately home. He arrived back home just in time to welcome his newest human sister. Although still on probation, and still in training, King is thrilled to be back with his family.


Achilles, pictured here with humans Victor and Connie, was involved in biting a neighbor, with his little “brother” Petey. Achilles was held in isolation at the shelter for over a month. The prosecutor wanted Achilles euthanized. After being evaluated by Miss Marie, Achilles was determined to not be the dog who initiated the bite incident. Despite the judge’s concerns, Achilles was safely returned home. He and his family have worked on boundaries, staying inside when the door is open, and ignoring humans and other dogs on walks. Achilles is attending class and hopes to earn his Canine Good Citizen award next month. (Petey, who created the situation that prompted Achilles’ “jailing,” is also in class and undergoing behavior modification, and hopes to share his success story soon.)


Guinness’ owner was told to euthanize him at four months of age, due to “severe aggression.” Thankfully, she chose not to accept this advice. When first evaluated, Guinness suffered severe anxiety, causing him to jump on and “mouth” people. Walking him was a nightmare for his owner. After several months of hard work, dietary therapy, acupressure, and re-education led by Miss Enya, Guinness is now walking through public parks with his human. He is able to play in the dog park like a gentleman. He greets visitors to his home by sitting and waiting for his treat. Still in training to refine his leash manners, Guinness hopes to soon be a demo dog and an example to other “troubled” dogs.


Jack is the first new Pink Panter for 2013. Jack was literally biting his way up his owner’s arm when I first met him. Jack was extremely aggressive towards humans and all dogs. His favorite activity was to stand on the kitchen table and lunge at his human’s face. His “daddy” said Jack could not be helped and wanted him euthanized. Jack was placed on Prozac, fitted with a Halti head collar, and banned from all furniture. His “parents” were taught effective and appropriate leadership. Miss Marie and Miss Enya taught Jack boundaries and appropriate human interaction. Eddie Munster taught Jack that cats are not chew toys. After 3 months of hard work, Jack graduated with his Canine Good Manners class and earned his Canine Good Citizen Award — without his Halti ! Jack still returns to school periodically to help “counsel” other dogs.


My first meeting with Lola consisted of Lola lunging at my face, barking ferociously. Lola had to be kept separate from the other dogs in the household to prevent her from attacking them. After seven months of nutritional, acupressure, and behavioral therapy, Lola can now greet strangers with her tail wagging. She enjoys being around her housemates (with supervision) and is looking forward to the arrival of her new human baby brother. Lola is still learning to play nicely with other dogs, but dreams of one day attending a dog party.


Black Labrador Retriever and Coon Hound Mix
Approximate Age 2 years old
Fostered from animal shelter
Concern: Severe Generalized and Separation Anxiety
History: Surrendered to shelter at 18-20 months of age. Adopted and returned due to destruction of furniture. Kept at shelter for two months and then placed in foster care. Destroyed furniture in first foster home. Placed in second foster home. Kept in garage when no one home, due to destructiveness. Barked and dug incessantly. Destroyed door into house. Chewed own nails to bloody stumps. Accepted into foster care at Canine Behavior Counseling. Chewed and scratched until mouth and paws bled when crated. Furniture destruction and barking when left alone.
Treatment: Anti-anxiety medication and intensive behavior modification
Outcome: Adopted by family with another Labrador being treated for separation anxiety. Very happy and well adjusted.


Chesapeake Bay Retriever and Akita Mix
Age 8 months-1 year
Concern: Severe Anxiety
Fostered for animal shelter
History: Litter mate treated for dominance aggression at four months of age. Chained outside due to lack of self control. Relinquished by owner. Brought to Canine Behavior Counseling by client (owner of litter mate). Not house broken or trained in any way. Snapped at other dogs when they received attention. Mouthed and nipped humans when excited. Jumped uncontrollably.
Treatment: anti-anxiety medication, behavior modification and obedience training.
Outcome: Adopted by loving family and well adjusted.


Obtained from Front Range German Shepherd Rescue in 2005, Heidi was a 1 year old German Shepherd. She suffered from severe separation anxiety, fear aggression towards humans and aggression towards cats. Heidi could not be left alone indoors, could not be crated and bit strangers, particularly men, in the face. Heidi completed Canine Good Manners, could greet people at the door, could be left alone inside and loved her crate! We continued working on her barking at the doorbell and getting along with cats. Heidi was adopted by Miss Marie in 2007. Heidi crossed over in 2013 as a result of spleen cancer. She (and her barking) are greatly missed. 


Maxine was fostered from Best Friends Rescue in St. George, Utah, in 2004. Little is known about her previous history except that she showed signs of severe abuse. Maxine could be handled by only a very few people and was extremely aggressive! Maxine hid under the bed up to 20 hours a day. Maxine was adopted by Marie in 2007. Although Maxine remained difficult to handle, she enjoyed playing with her “siblings” Heidi and Issac and her “Daddy” Mr. Glenn. Maxine died as a result of anesthesia complications in 2008.


Isaac (Saint Bernard mix) was rescued from Greeley Animal Shelter by Freedom Service Dogs and began training as a balancing dog, at 9 months of age. Due to repeated episodes of human aggression, Isaac was released from the service dog training program.

Isaac was adopted by Marie in 2007. Isaac was diagnosed with “idiopathic rage syndrome”. This is a neurological disorder that causes seizures in the form of uncontrollable “rages.” Isaac would attack without provocation and without control of his actions while in a “rage.”

Through anti-seizure medication and Chinese medicine, we were able to minimize Isaac’s rages for two years. During that time, Isaac’s physical discomfort, from irreparable spinal damage was minimized. Isaac was able to lead a happy and eventful life, including attending dog parties, playing with his “siblings” and beginning therapy dog training. Issac’s aggression towards humans was nearly eliminated. 

Although Issac was euthanized in October 2009 after a violent and uncontrollable seizure/rage, the information learned from helping him, medically and behaviorally, has helped many other dogs lead happy and longer lives.


History: Very anxious and aggressive. Severely bit a person who tried to intervene in a fight between Tanner and another dog. He was cited as a vicious dog. His owner was afraid to walk him down the street.

Outcome: Tanner completed Canine Good Manners, earned his Canine Good Citizenship Award, and is a happy and polite dog.


History: Alaskan Malamute found as a stray at about 6-7 months old, she remained in Denver Animal Shelter for 1 month before being scheduled for euthanasia. She was adopted for the purposes of training as a service dog. After several fights with the resident service dog, Enya was again threatened with euthanasia.

Enya was adopted by Marie in May 2009, and treated for several medical issues including low thyroid, and bone malformation and  dog aggression. Enya trained as a therapy dog, and is Marie’s demo and enforcer dog. Enya loved to play with her friends at the Malamute Mingles.  Miss Enya crossed over as a result of bone cancer in 2014.  See her impact on the lives of other dogs on her memorial wall


History: (Great Pyrenese) Shot in the face with a shotgun, Hartley was rescued and had the bullets removed from his head. Permanent damage was done to Hartley’s brain, causing him to attack without warning and make him very unpredictable.

Outcome: Hartley did learn to control some of his reactions and accept new situations better. His owner learned to predict Hartley’s behavior and prevent attacks. With the help of medication and a devoted “dad’ Hartley leads a happy, albeit tightly controlled life.


History: (Standard Poodle) was extremely fearful and was rescued from a situation that threatened his life. He would not allow strangers to approach him, and ran from any movement. Neville hid behind furniture and was even afraid to eat when other dogs were present.

Outcome: Neville is a happy, well-adjusted member of his family now. He has even helped a new puppy adjust into the family.


History: (Rhodesian Ridgeback) Rescue Dog. Extremely fearful and aggressive. Aza barked and snapped at strangers then would run from them. Aza allowed no one in her home, even people she knew, when her humans were not present.

Outcome: Aza still barks at strangers, but does allow people she knows into the home, even when alone. She will approach and allow people that she knows to pet her. She walks nicely on a leash and no longer barks at strangers during her walk.


History: (Shepherd Mix) In multiple fights with other dog in household. Drazor was very fearful to the point of being pre-emptively aggressive towards other dogs. His family chose to surrender him to restore peace in the household. Drazor also suffered from severe anxiety. Drazor was placed in one foster home and tried to attack another dog in the household. Drazor was then tried in another home and bit the resident dog on the ear.

Outcome: Drazor was rehomed in an only-dog home, with a gentleman who recently lost his shepherd to cancer. With the help of medication and behavior therapy, Drazor is becoming a happy and more relaxed dog.


Franky was “arrested” for breaking out of his fence and attacking another dog. His future was questionable. His humans asked Marie to conduct an aggression evaluation. During that evaluation, Franky lunged repeatedly at Miss Enya, walking over a block away. He was determined to have a severe anxiety and an impulse-control issue. He was started on a mineral supplement to help his brain produce missing chemicals. Within 3 months, Franky was able to attend classes with other dogs. He did attempt his Canine Good Citizen test on the date this was taken. Although he needs more work with other dogs, we are hopeful he will pass the test very soon.


Accused of maiming/crippling another dog. Taken and placed on “death row” (awaiting a court order to euthanize). A thorough review of the case history by Marie discovered many inconsistencies. These inconsistencies resulted in all charges being dropped and Raider released to return home!  To our knowledge, Raider has had no further issues with other dogs.