Acupressure Points/Massage for Dogs

Treat your pet(s) to a massage. Acupressure/massage helps calm, relax and allow your pet to focus better. Utilizing these techniques randomly throughout the day will be beneficial when you begin your training program.

The following link provides photos of the specific acupressure massage points.

The following video will show you where and how to perform specific massage techniques.

Video coming soon

The Puppy off switch and other massage techniques are very relaxing for your dog(s) and many times they will fall asleep while you are doing them.

Video coming soon

A head massage is very soothing!

Please Note: Some pets respond differently to massage techniques, NEVER force any technique on your pet. If they are uncomfortable with any process, stop! It is highly recommended that prior to beginning any of these techniques, consult with us about the proper way to perform massage exercises.

If you are new to Canine/Feline Behavior Counseling, LLC, contact us at [email protected] or by phone at 303-378-5987 to arrange for an initial consultation and review of these techniques.